Monday, August 27, 2012


Below is a poem by Naomi Shihab Nye. It was our lectio reading in the Monday Mindfulness Group earlier this morning. 

Just six sentences in the poem. A person could take the first today, the next tomorrow, etc., and be finished in time for a day of rest on Sunday. 

I'm often reminding myself (and anybody else who'll listen) that inspiration, as wonderful as it is, is just the beginning--like hearing about a great new restaurant from a friend and making reservations--because it just sounded like such a great place. 

It's the 2 or 3 hours we spend in the restaurant that really count. 

Ms. Nye sets a good table. Bon appetit. 

Naomi Shihab Nye

To move

Needing to be
Nowhere else.

Wanting nothing
From any store.

To lift something
You already had
And set it down in
A new place.

Awakened eye
Seeing freshly.

What does that do to
The old blood moving through
Its channels?