Tuesday, August 28, 2012

An Empty Bucket

Today I'm working with the first sentence of the poem in yesterday's post:

To move

I don't have much of a grasp on that. I usually blog what already makes sense to me, what has been explored, what is known. And this is what I 'know' today--that it's really been helpful to me to explore what I don't know--the stuff that somehow rings true or at least comes from somebody who's life (or poetry) rings true.

So I'm just going to carry

To move

into the day. Like a bucket. Or maybe a prayer: God, what does it mean to move cleanly? Michael, what is the world around you saying about what it means to move cleanly?

Wisdom calls from the crossroads. And from the tingly little feelings at the top of the chest when we're curious and baffled at the same time.

The first three definitions in my dictionary say about clean:

  1. Free from dirt
  2. Having been washed since last worn
  3. (of paper) Not yet marked by writing or drawing.

Hmmmmmm. Little something already in the bucket.

I friend I trust says that 'moving cleanly' has something to do with being open and honest, a certain 'freshness.' Being somehow strong and gentle at the same time.

So nice to talk about meaningful stuff with a wise friend.

How nice to wake up with 'nothing' in our bucket and already have such interesting 'gifts' just plopped right in.