Tuesday, April 10, 2012

More Capacity Than We Know

We have more capacity than we know. We, our 'selves', are More than we know. But our culture, our families, our basic instincts don't really 'know' this.

And so we experience and navigate a diminished life.

The word diminished comes from the Latin minutia, 'smallness.' Being so deeply immersed in little things, we rarely see and so don't 'believe in' and rarely experience Bigness.

Intentional awareness (mindful practice) is one the wisest ways we've figured out over millennia to get beyond smallness. When we're intentionally aware, we pay such attention to the minutia that we finally begin to see it for what it is.

And, amazingly, the very experience of seeing it for what it is AND holding it as it is shows us our bigness.

We're BIG ENOUGH to hold it--with room to spare.

And in this ROOM TO SPARE we begin to experience another whole dimension of life.

Stuff that scares us, bores us, challenges us--we can stop avoiding it and start to let it into awareness where it begins to become obvious what to do with it.