Sunday, February 26, 2012

Waiting For A Vanished April

Today is the first Sunday in Lent. For us at St. David's, it also happens to be the day we mark our Patronal Feast Day. March 1 is St. David's Day across the world. David is the patron saint of Wales. Wherever Welsh people traveled, you'll usually find churches bearing that name.

R. S. Thomas was a Welsh priest in the Anglican Church (now the Church of Wales). He was also a a remarkable poet. His poem, The Coming, is a powerful reflection for the movement of God in Lent.


And God held in his hand
a small globe.  Look, he said,
the son looked.  Far off,
as through water, he saw
a scorched land of fierce
color.  The light burned
there: crusted buildings
cast their shadows; a bright
serpent, a river
uncoiled itself, radiant
with slime.

On a bare
hill a bare tree saddened
the sky.  Many people
held out their thin arms
to it, as though waiting
for a vanished April
to return to its crossed
boughs.  The son watched
them.  Let me go there, he said.