Monday, October 10, 2011

Working With Feelings

Lectio for October 10th

The first noble truth is that life is difficult and painful, just by its nature…. -Sylvia Boorstein

Every moment of our sense experience has a feeling tone.                 -Jack Kornfield

The stream of primary feelings is always with us, but we often have the mistaken notion that ‘life is not supposed to be this way.’       JK

As we become wiser we realize that fixing the flow of feelings doesn't work. Primary feelings are simply feelings, and every day consists of thousands of pleasant, painful, and neutral moments. JK

How do we work with our emotions? First we have to recognize what is present. How do our feelings manifest in the body? What do they feel like in the mind? Are we confused, sad, angry, fearful, attached, or hopeful? Emotions can cluster together, so careful recognition may notice several at once. Often grief is present with our anger. There can be relief and happiness that come with letting go. Recognition requires a systematic and careful attention.  JK

Don’t be conformed to this world; but be re-formed in the newness of your mind, that you may discern what is the good, wise, and straight path of God.   -St. Paul