Monday, October 11, 2010

Lectio for October 11

The first quote below has become a kind of proverb. It's both a description of and a prescription for a bigger heart and a bigger mind. This saying of Jesus is also like of koan--in one way it can't be done, in another it's the best thing in the world to do.

Read each of these quotes and sit a minute with whatever it is they invite you to think and feel.

1.But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth.


2.At the heart of the deepest spiritual understanding and experience is paradox. There is so much we want to exclude, yet at the heart of reality, in the heart of God, everything belongs.

--Richard Rohr (Everything Belongs, [paraphrased])

3. I want to tell you right now that the basis of this whole teaching is that you’re never going to get everything together. As long as you’re wanting to be thinner, smarter, more enlightened, less uptight, or whatever it might be, somehow you’re always going to be approaching your problem with the very same logic that created it to begin with: you’re not good enough. As long as you’re wanting yourself to get better, you won’t. As long as you have an orientation toward the future, you can never just relax into what you already have or already are. To me it seems that at the root of healing, at the root of feeling like a fully adult person, is the premise that you’re not going to try to make anything go away, that what you have is worth appreciating. But this is hard to swallow if what you have is pain.

--Pema Chodron, Start Where You Are